There are many types of Financial Institution out there that provide many benefits for your company. Some of them are: Strategic information systems management, customer relationship management systems and enterprise resource planning system. Here is brief information to understand the meaning of the Management Information System and Financial Institutions.
Financial institutions act as intermediaries, which is responsible for transferring funds from investors to companies that need funds.
In the formulation of financial economics, financial institutions are institutions that provide financial services to members or customers. In addition to providing financial services, financial institutions also act as financial intermediaries, this is the most important service from a financial institution, therefore the majority of financial institutions regulated by the government. Sistem informasi manajemen dan lembaga keuangan bertindak sebagai perantara, yang bertanggung jawab untuk mentransfer dana dari investor kepada perusahaan yang membutuhkan dana.
In general, management information systems and financial institutions are divided into three main types:
1.Deposit-taking institutions that receive and manage deposits and provide loans, including banks, building societies, credit unions, trust companies, and mortgage loan companies
2.Insurance companies and pension funds, and
3.Brokers, underwriters and investment funds.
System that provides the information needed to effectively manage an organization called the management information system is a collection of three resources that are key components in studying management information systems. Information systems are also used in solving business problems, such as advertising costs, product, employee salaries, raw materials etc. Management information system is different from regular information systems, which are mostly used to analyze information systems applied in operational activities within the organization.
Today, many sites that provide management information systems and financial institutions, you easily find just by typing the keyword "management information systems and financial institutions"through a search engine like google, yahoo, bing and the other.