Financial planning is the steps taken to manage, regulate financial affairs in order to achieve financial goals, life goals and lifestyle. In a simple concept, the conventional financial planning was formed to improve the quality of life, but in Islamic financial planning, financial planning becomes greater meaning, in addition to managing the finances for the sake of worldly, the concept of Islamic financial planning is also aiming for the life hereafter. It's like "once a paddle, 2-3 islands exceeded.
From the table above, we can see the difference between the Islamic Financial Planner Financial Planner vs. Islamic financial planning should adhere to the Shari'a, there is a need for Muslims to understand their two major roles, as a human being and as a servant of God. All that have been set in the Book and Sunnah holy apostles.
So, of all these differences, the biggest difference between the Islamic Financial Planner Financial Planner vs. lies in is to get falaah or prosperity That leads a good life in this world and the Hereafter. Thus, Muslims have to plan and achieve good in the world and the hereafter. Is not this what we want?
Next time I will discuss the Management Information Systems and Financial Institutions with Islamic based.